Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Bald For X-Mas, But Legally Sane

My attorney, Joe, called last week and told me that the judge in Idaho has finally issued his ruling on the six-week multi-million dollar "competency" hearing that took place at the beginning of this year (2013). Not unexpectedly the ruling is that I was, in fact, "competent" when I waived my death sentence appeals, and "competent" when I opted to represent myself (and consequently provide no legal defense - i.e. no witnesses, evidence, or arguments against any sentence of death - the news reporters claimed that I wanted to die, but hopefully, if you've been reading this blog, you already know that's not true at all). So, I am officially now legally sane; what a relief, LOL. They had me worried for a while there, LMOL!

I haven't actually read the judge's 60 page decision yet, but Joe is sending it to me and once I have looked it over I'll write what I think here (for those who care). In the meantime, I shaved off all my hair. It was getting too long to manage easily, and signing up to be chained up and taken downstairs to get it cut was too much trouble in my book. Besides, it was fun cutting it all off myself with a single razor in the shower, and it gave me something to do that was out of routine, which helps to break up the monotony. I've been waiting for the judge's decision before I shaved my head because I didn't want any reports of "unstable behavior" reaching him and possibly influencing his thinking. I have no plans on keeping it shaved clean. I just wanted to be rid of the mess for awhile, at least until it grows back.

This decision (competency) also means that I can start being a little more honest again about some of my thoughts and feelings that I was worried the "defense" attorneys (who are all great people) and doctors would use to convince the courts that I am not competent. It's not that I've been dishonest, I've just been avoiding certain forms of expressing myself that could be misunderstood or even misrepresented. Now that the district court judge has made his ruling I don't need to worry about this so much because all subsequent rulings (appellate) are supposedly made "from the existing record", and not from anything I say or do now. In other words, I'm free to be as "crazy" as I want again. LMOL LMOL! LMOL!!

(J.D. 12-24-13)

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