A few months ago, out of
sheer frustration over being screwed so badly by Unit Team staff
again, I told them, “You're the pieces of shit, not me.” So, I
was written up for “prohibited act 404” (using abusive language),
consequently found guilty by the Unit Manager, and sanctioned the
loss of “phone privileges” for 120 days.
That means four months of
not being able to call my lawyer, my mom, or my girlfriend, just
because I said the word “shit” out of frustration over being
unfairly treated. I don't call my girlfriend that often because she
lives outside of the United States of America (it costs me $15
dollars just to talk to her for 15 minutes; which, needless to say,
means I simply can't afford to call her as often as I'd like). It is
also expensive to call my mom ($3 dollars for 15 minutes), even
though she does live in the states, and even the most expensive phone
service providers wouldn't charge more than 50 cents for the same
call from a payphone! And, since my mother is aged and forgetful,
calling her is really the only way I have to keep in touch with her,
because she rarely ever remembers to write, even when I send her
stamps and paper to do so. She loves it when I call though.
Since I have been on
“phone restriction” (amongst other things) for the last four
months already, because of another completely unfair write up that I
got for having a picture in my cell of a little girl (prepubescent)
wearing no shirt (so, according to the B.O.P., she is “displaying
her breasts”, quoting the Regional Direction, Paul M. Laird,
himself!) I haven't heard from my mom at all since April!
(Fortunately, I have a wonderful girlfriend who calls her for me to
let my mom know I'm okay, and to let me know how my mom's doing as
This sort of unfair
treatment is unfortunately very much the standard for how things
operate around here, and in any American prison for that matter. Just
ask anyone in prison and they'll tell you. Or, if you don't want to
ask, just look up one of the many “sense of justice”-studies that
have been done. These studies are usually state-funded, because they
show a direct correlation between prisoners who feel unfairly treated
and recidivism. But, don't bother asking a prison employee. Their job
--- not to mention their moral sanity --- depends on their belief in
the “fairness” and “justice” of the System they work for.
Prison employees routinely
misuse the stats from the same studies I just mentioned
in order to justify even more unfair treatment of prisoners. To them,
it is all fair – merely because they're the authority. And in their
minds (again, out of sheer necessity) authority is never wrong (or
unfair). So, if more than 90% of the prisoners complain of unfair
treatment (as the studies consistently show), then that only proves
(in their mind) that 90% of the prisoners are liars, who deserve to
be “punished” in general. They even invented a term for it; they
call it “criminal mentality” (which, of course is rationalized
exactly the same way “Jewish mentality” or “Negro mentality”
was rationalized in the past). Thus, they feel licensed to treat
prisoners as unfairly as they want; because they deserve it!
think the ridiciously excessive sanction I got for using the word
“shit” to express my frustration over unfair treatment is a
pretty good example of this kind of oppressive reasoning. The Unit
Manager didn't give any reason at all for the severity of the
sanction. So, maybe he's punishing me because a few weeks before I
accused him (without using abusive language) of being a hypocrite and
a liar because he is always going around preaching about how he
follows the rules, but then he selects what rules to follow and
ignores the ones that are inconvenient for him to follow (as most
bureaucrats do). At the time he did not reply to my accusation, but
just walked away. So maybe now he is “punishing” me for “not
respecting authority” (a VERY popular excuse for “punishing”
prisoners without apparent cause). In his mind, he is no doubt just
giving me the “punishment” I “deserve” (for not respecting
his authority). But, to me, it seems as though I am being “punished”
harshly for merely blurting out the word “shit”. To me, it seems
extremely unfair.
knows? Maybe he is being fair. But, that doesn't matter if I can't
see the fairness in it. And I'd be willing to “see” it, if there
was even so much as a clue of it. But, there is no clue, no evidence
of fairness, and for me, no justice at all in the sanction. So, I
appealed it to the warden. In my appeal, I simply asked for an
explanation for the excessive sanction. The warden “denied” my
appeal. So, I appealed to the Regional Director (in Kansas City,
Kansas), asking the same thing, “Why am I being punished so harshly
without explanation?”
Regional Director responded by sending a memo to the Unit Manager
pointing out that he had made a minor (and completely irrelevant)
clerical error in the paperwork from the disciplinary hearing. (He
failed to say explicitly why I was “guilty” --- even though I
openly admitted that I said the word “shit”. Apparently, my
statement alone was not considered “evidence” of my guilt –
remember, 90% of all inmates are liars --- so the Unit Manager was
required to write in that his findings were based on “staff witness
statements”.) So, the Unit Manager had to call me back to his
office for a new hearing in order to correct the error.
thus their precious “illusion of justice” is sustained (I
actually heard the Federal judge in my case say once, “It is
important that the appearance of justice be maintained”, as an
excuse for denying a petition that one of my lawyers had made!). My
appeal was returned for a new hearing, and that makes their
statistics look good (i.e. the number of appeals that get action
instead of just being denied). Nevermind that it was “returned”
for a reason that had absolutely nothing to do with the issue of the
appeal itself. And nevermind that they completely ignored the one
issue I raised in the appeal (“Why am I being punished without
clear cause?”). It only matters to them that “the appearance of
justice (fairness) is maintained”. It is the “M.O.” of the
“Justice System”. Not justice; but, only the
appearance of justice is
what matters. It is what every official in the “Justice System”
is expected to do in order to earn their paychecks. And, as the
Federal judge in my case clearly demonstrated by his bold statement
in court, they don't even realize the difference!
brother was a wannabe-cop, which really strained my relationship with
him after I got out of prison; but, I tried really hard to love him
regardless. Once, during a rare conversation with him while I was on
parole in Seattle, in which he was openly criticizing “criminals”
as deserving everything they got, I pointed out to him that when we
were kids (and inseparable) he did all the criminal things I did ---
often with no encouragement from me --- including child “rape”
(i.e. putting his penis in a younger child's mouth). His response
totally confused me at the time, and didn't seem to make any sense.
But, he said it as though it made all the sense in the world; he
said, “Sure, but I didn't get caught!” I'm only now, all these
years later, coming to understand what he was saying, or more
correctly: what he WASN'T SEEING. Like anyone else who believes in
human justice, he had been conditioned to see no difference between
how things “appear” on the surface, and how things really are. To
him, the truth is what you believe, not what is. This is necessary
for any system of beliefs to be maintained --- and the Criminal
Justice System is no more than a system of beliefs; it is a religion,
in the truest sense; and with all the hypocrisy and violence that
goes along with any religion!)
do they suppose my reaction to all this unfairness is going to be? I
can only imagine that they imagine I will “learn my lesson”, and
perhaps “respect (their) authority” in the future. Anyone reading
this blog (hopefully) realizes that that isn't going to happen
anytime soon. The only thing I'm going to learn, and the only thing
any prisoner learns from being so screwed so often (treated unfairly)
by the system (and hence, by “authority”), is that if justice is
to be had, then it must be taken for oneself. It certainly isn't
going to come from the “Just-Us System”.
the system is literally teaching --- in fact, training! --- criminals
to resist the system, to seek justice on their own terms, and to take
what they deserve from anyone who supports the “system” (i.e.
“law-abiding citizens”). For me, that meant taking revenge. For
others, it means taking control back in some other way. But, as long
as “they” keep giving criminals what they “deserve” (e.g.
punishing us for no reason, but just because we are “criminals”
who deserve to be punished in general), then crime will happen,
because it must happen in order to justify the church (i.e. system of
beliefs about justice). Without demons, and witches, and evil in
general, there would be no need for religion. So, in the past, these
things were invented in order to justify the churches existence.
today they still are.
[J.D. August 8, 2015]
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