Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Remiss Misgivings

Yes, I have been remiss in updating this sub-blog (Chronicles). My intention was to post the day-to-day stuff here so anyone interested could get a feel for what it's like for me to be on death row in Federal prison. But most of what happens around here ends up being stuff I can't write publically about without risking getting someone in trouble, guards and prisoners. So many rules are broken everyday that I couldn't even report what it's like to get chow without exposing violations that any other prison (or jail) I have been in would consider "serious". I dare not even say what the violations are for fear of getting someone in trouble.

So, you'll just have to imagine what it's like for now. I'll post what I can, but it won't be much. But generally I am comfortable - nobody harasses me, not even the other prisoners. People for the most part speak to me respectfully; though I keep to myself and seldom speak to anyone. I rarely leave my cell, by choice. In fact I've only been out of my cell once since my dental appointment two months ago, and that was for a mandatory six-month administrative review (they took me to the counselor's office, ask me if I had any concerns or questions, I said no; then they took me back to my cell).

Life is better for me than even I think it should be, but I still look forward to my "release day" (a.k.a. "execution").

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